
We are aware of your vigilance regarding the use and sharing of your personal information, and we appreciate the trust you place in us to handle it meticulously, cautiously, and judiciously. This notice outlines our procedures for collecting and processing your personal information through the website, devices, products, services, and online stores, encompassing all “Bestbluezone Services.”

Here are the questions we address in this notice:

1- What Personal Information Does Bestbluezone Collect About Its Customers?

2- For What Purpose Does Bestbluezone Process My Personal Information?

3- What About Cookies and Other Identifiers?

4- Does Bestbluezone Share Your Personal Information?

5- How Are Your Personal Information Protected?

6- What Is Our Advertising Policy?

7- What Information Can You Access?

8- What Choices Are Offered to You?

9- Are Children Allowed to Use Bestbluezone Services?

10- How Long Do We Retain Your Information?

11- What Is the Legal Basis for the EU General Data Protection Regulation?

12- How Can You Contact Us and Review Revisions?

13- What Are Examples of Collected Information?

1- What Personal Information Does Bestbluezone Collect About Its Customers?

We collect your personal information with the aim of providing you with quality products and services while continually enhancing them. Here are the types of personal information we gather:

  • Information You Directly Provide via Bestbluezone Services: You have the option to withhold certain information, but doing so may limit access to many of the services we offer.
  • Automatically Collected Information: We automatically collect and record certain types of information regarding your use of Bestbluezone Services. This includes your interactions with content and services available through Bestbluezone Services. Like many other websites, we use cookies and other unique identifiers. We also obtain certain types of information when your browser or device accesses Bestbluezone Services and other content displayed on websites by or on behalf of Bestbluezone.
  • Information from Other Sources: We may also receive additional information about you from different sources. For example, delivery and address information updated by our carriers. We use this information to correct our records and facilitate the delivery of your next order.


2- For What Purpose Does Bestbluezone Process My Personal Information?

We process your personal information in order to operate, provide, and improve the Bestbluezone Services that we offer to our customers. These purposes include:

  • Ordering, Product Delivery, and Service Provision: We use your personal information to record and process orders, deliver products, provide services, manage payments, and communicate with you regarding your orders, products, services, and promotional offers.
  • Provision, Troubleshooting, and Enhancement of Bestbluezone Services: We use your personal information to offer features, analyze performance, correct errors, and improve the accessibility and efficiency of Bestbluezone Services.
  • Recommendations and Personalization: We use your personal information to recommend features, products, and services that may interest you. We identify your preferences and personalize your experience with Bestbluezone Services.
  • Provision of Voice, Imaging, and Camera Services: When you use voice, imaging, and camera services, we process your voice inputs, images, videos, and other personal information. This allows us to respond to your requests, provide the desired services, and enhance our Bestbluezone Services.
  • Advertising: We utilize your personal information to present targeted advertisements based on your interests, related to features, products, and services that might appeal to you.
  • Fraud Prevention and Credit Risk Management: We process your personal information to prevent and detect fraud and abuse, aiming to safeguard the security of our customers, Bestbluezone, and other parties. We may employ assessment methods to evaluate and manage credit risks.
  • Compliance with Legal Obligations: In certain cases, we collect and use your personal information to comply with legal obligations. For instance, we gather information about third-party vendors, such as their banking details and business locations, as part of identity verification.
  • Communication with You: We use your personal information to communicate with you regarding Bestbluezone Services through various channels such as phone, email, and chat.
  • Purposes for Which We Collect Your Consent: We may also seek your consent for processing your personal information for specific purposes that we will inform you about. When you consent to the processing of your personal information for this specific purpose, you have the option to withdraw your consent at any time, and we will cease processing your information for that purpose.

3- What About Cookies and Other Identifiers?

We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, provide our services, understand how customers use our services for improvements, and display advertisements. Approved third parties also use these tools in connection with displaying our ads.

4- Does Bestbluezone Share Your Personal Information?

Information about our customers is essential for our business, and our mission is not to sell our customers’ personal information. Bestbluezone shares this information solely with Bestbluezone.com, under control, and it is subject to this Notice or follows practices at least as protective as those described in this Notice.

  • Third-Party Transactions: We provide you with services, products, applications, or skills offered by third parties, intended to be used on or via Bestbluezone Services. For instance, you can order products from a third-party vendor through our online store. Additionally, we offer services or market product lines in collaboration with third-party partners, such as credit cards. You can identify when a third party is involved in your transactions and when we share personal information related to these transactions with that third party.
  • Third-Party Service Providers: We engage other independent companies or individuals who provide certain services on our behalf. Here are some examples: processing product orders, delivering products, providing services, sending postal or electronic mail, removing redundant information from our customer lists, managing our customer files, analyzing our databases, providing marketing assistance, presenting search results and links (including paid links and listings), processing payments, transmitting content, evaluating and managing credit risk, and delivering customer service. These third-party service providers have access to the necessary personal information for performing their services and are not authorized to use it for other purposes. Furthermore, they are required to process this personal information in accordance with this Notice and applicable data protection laws.
  • Business Transfers: When we expand our operations, it may happen that we sell or acquire other businesses or services. In such transactions, customer information typically becomes part of the transferred assets, but it remains subject to any pre-existing privacy notice (unless otherwise agreed by the customer). Additionally, in the unlikely event that Bestbluezone.com or a substantial portion of its assets is acquired, customer information would naturally also be transferred to the acquirer as part of those assets.
  • Protection of Bestbluezone and Third Parties: We disclose the content of customer accounts and other personal information when legally required or if such disclosure is necessary to enforce and apply our Terms of Service and other agreements, or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Bestbluezone, our users, or other individuals. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for the purpose of fraud prevention and credit risk reduction. In all other cases, you will be informed if your personal information were to be shared with a third party, and you will have the option to refuse such sharing.
  • Transfers Outside the European Economic Area (EEA): When we transfer personal information to countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA), we ensure that these transfers comply with this Notice and adhere to applicable data protection laws. To achieve this, we rely on decisions by the European Commission regarding the adequacy of protective measures or use contracts with standard safeguards published by the European Commission.

5- How Are Your Personal Information Protected?

We design our systems and devices with security and protection of your personal information in mind. When transmitting your personal information, we employ encryption protocols and software to ensure their safety.

We adhere to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) security standards when processing payment card data.

For the collection, storage, and communication of customer personal information, we implement physical and electronic security measures, along with backup procedures. As part of these procedures, it may be necessary for us to verify your identity before providing your personal information.

Our devices come equipped with security features to safeguard against unauthorized access or information loss. You can customize these features according to your needs.

It is essential to protect access to your password, computers, devices, and applications from unauthorized use. We recommend using a unique password for your Bestbluezone account, different from those used for other online accounts. Remember to log out after each use. 

6- What Is Our Advertising Policy?

Third-party Advertisers and Links to Other Websites: Bestbluezone Services may display advertisements from third parties and contain links to other websites and applications. When you interact with this content, ads, and services, these third parties may collect information about you. To learn more about third-party ads, including those based on your interests, please refer to the provided details.

7- What Information Can You Access?

Access to Your Information: You can access your personal information, such as your name, address, payment options, account details, Prime subscription, family settings, and order history. Visit the “Your Account” section on the website to view this information.

8- What Choices Are Offered to You?

  • Settings Options: If you have any questions or objections regarding the collection and processing of your personal information, feel free to contact our Customer Service. Additionally, many Bestbluezone Services offer options to customize the use of your information.
  • Choices and Information Communication: As mentioned earlier, you can choose to communicate only certain information. However, keep in mind that this may limit your access to many Bestbluezone Services.
  • Information Updates: You have the option to add or update information on the pages mentioned in the section “Information I Can Access.” If you make an update, we generally retain a copy of your initial information.
  • Communication Preferences: If you do not wish to receive emails or other communications from us, please let us know. Similarly, if you prefer not to receive notifications, inform us.
  • Interest-Based Advertising: If you do not want us to use your personal information for targeted advertising, simply notify us.
  • Anonymous Browsing: To browse our websites anonymously without linking browsing activity to your account, log out of your account and disable cookies in your browser.
  • Recommendation Management: You can manage the recommendations you receive in our store. To remove recommendations you do not wish to see, select items from a category that you have not previously purchased, then click on “Learn more and manage” and choose “Remove items.” You can also modify your browsing history.
  • Consent Revocation: When you consent to the processing of your personal information for a specific purpose, you can withdraw that consent at any time, and we will cease processing your information for that purpose.
  • Information Processing Permissions Management: You also have the option to refuse processing of certain other information by adjusting settings on the Bestbluezone website.
  • Rights Under Applicable Law: In accordance with the law, you have the right to access, modify, rectify, and delete your information. You can also request data portability. Additionally, you have the option to object to the processing of your personal data or request restrictions on processing in certain cases. If you wish to exercise any of these actions, please contact Bestbluezone Customer Service or submit a data access request.

9- Are Children Allowed to Use Bestbluezone Services?

Use of Bestbluezone Services by Children: Bestbluezone does not offer products intended to be purchased by children. Children’s products must be purchased by adults. If you are under 18 years old, you can use Bestbluezone Services only with the participation of an adult or guardian.

10- How Long Do We Retain Your Information?

Retention Period for Your Personal Information: We retain your personal information to allow you to continuously use Bestbluezone Services. This retention is necessary to achieve relevant purposes as described in this Notice. Additionally, we retain your information to fulfill our legal obligations, such as tax or accounting requirements. Furthermore, we may retain your data for any other duration that has been communicated to you. For instance, we keep your transaction history to allow you to review your previous orders (and reorder if desired) as well as your delivery addresses associated with those orders. This retention also contributes to improving the relevance of products and content we recommend to you.

11- What Is the Legal Basis for the EU General Data Protection Regulation?

Legal Basis according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): The GDPR imposes a legal basis for our use of your personal information. This basis varies depending on the specific purpose for which we use this information. In this context, we use:

  • Contract Performance: When we provide you with products or services, or when we communicate with you regarding them. This includes using your personal information to facilitate order placement, processing, product and service delivery, as well as payment processing.
  • Legitimate Business Interests and Customer Protection: We rely on our legitimate business interests as well as those of our customers to improve Bestbluezone services. This includes using your voice, video, or photo inputs to optimize our services. We also detect and prevent fraud and abuse to ensure the safety of our customers, ourselves, and others. Additionally, we personalize advertisements based on your interests.
  • Consent: When we seek your agreement to process your personal information for a specific purpose, your consent is essential. You have the option to withdraw this consent at any time, which will result in the cessation of data processing for that purpose.
  • Compliance with Legal Obligations: We use your personal information to comply with applicable laws. For example, we collect information about the establishment location and bank account of third-party sellers to verify their identity.
  • Other Legal Bases: Depending on the specific purpose for which we use your personal information, other legal bases may also apply.

12- How Can You Contact Us and Review Revisions?

  • Contacts, Notifications, and Updates: If you have any questions regarding the protection of your personal information by Bestbluezone or if you wish to contact one of our data controllers, please send us a detailed email, and we will do our best to provide you with a solution.
  • Evolution of Our Business and Revisions: Our business is constantly evolving, and our privacy notice also evolves accordingly. We encourage you to regularly check our website for the latest updates. Unless otherwise indicated, our notice applies to all information we have collected about you or your account. We are committed to keeping our promises and never substantially altering our policies and practices in a way that diminishes the protection of customer information collected in the past, without the consent of the affected customers

13- What Are Examples of Collected Information?

  • Examples of Collected Information: When you use Bestbluezone Services, you provide us with information. Here are some examples of the information you provide:
    • Your communication preferences, such as email notifications.
    • Your interactions with our services, such as searches, orders, and returns.
    • Your contact details when you create an account or make purchases.
    • Device-related information, such as IP address and browser type.

When you perform actions such as searching for products or services in our stores or adding or removing an item from your cart, you provide us with various information. This data may include your name, address, phone number, payment information, age, geographic location, IP address, as well as the names, addresses, and phone numbers listed in your address book. Additionally, we collect information such as the content of comments and emails you’ve sent us, your personal description, and photograph in the Your Profile section, as well as images and videos stored within the Bestbluezone Services. We may also gather identity and status-related information and documents, business and financial data, credit history information, and VAT numbers .

Furthermore, certain information is collected automatically, including:

  • IP Address (Internet Protocol): This address connects your computer or any other device to the internet.
  • Login data, email addresses, and passwords.
  • Information about your computer, your device, and your internet connection, such as device applications, browser type and version, browser plugin categories and versions, operating system, or time zone settings.
  • Location of your device or computer.

In addition to indicators for devices, let’s take a closer look at the key indicators specific to Bestbluezone Services. These indicators allow us to monitor and evaluate various aspects of our service. Here are the details:

  1. Technical Errors: We closely monitor technical errors occurring in our services. This enables us to promptly address any issues and ensure a smooth experience for our users.
  2. Interactions with Features and Content: We analyze how you interact with different features and content on Bestbluezone. This helps us improve usability and personalize your experience.
  3. Settings Preferences and Backups: Your settings preferences, as well as information related to your backups, are essential for customizing your use of our services.
  4. Device Location: We collect information about your device’s location when you use a Bestbluezone application. This allows us to offer services tailored to your region.
  5. Order History and Content Usage: Sometimes, we associate your order history and content usage with anonymous data from other customers. This helps us create features such as “Our Best Sellers” recommendations.
  6. Tracking Interactions on Our Website: We record your complete browsing journey on our site, including dates and times, cookie numbers, viewed products, page response times, download errors, and interactions (clicks, scrolling, mouse movements).
  7. Customer Service Phone Numbers: The phone numbers you use to call our customer service are also collected to enhance our assistance.

Additionally, we use device identifiers, cookies, and other technologies to prevent fraud and ensure the security of our services. Your privacy and security are our top priorities!

Within Bestbluezone Services, you have access to a variety of essential information. Here are some examples of what you can access:

  1. Recent Order Status: You can check the status of your recent orders, including your subscriptions.
  2. Complete Order History: Review your complete order history to track your past purchases.
  3. Personal Information: Access your personal information such as your name, email address, password, communication preferences, address book, and 1-Click settings.
  4. Payment Methods: Get information about payment methods, including details of your credit cards, gift cards, and account balance.
  5. Email Preferences: Configure your email preferences, including availability alerts, delivery notifications, and newsletters.
  6. Recommendations and Viewed Products: Discover product recommendations based on items you’ve recently viewed. These recommendations include sections like “Recommended for You” and “Improve Your Recommendations.”
  7. Shopping and Gift Lists: Manage your shopping and gift lists, including wishlists and baby registries.
  8. Customized Settings: Set up preferences related to content, devices, and services. You can also define communication preferences and interest-based ads.
  9. Recently Viewed Content: Find the content you’ve recently consulted.
  10. Your Profile: Explore the “Your Profile” section, which includes your comments, personalized recommendations, reminders, and personal information.